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Iphone 4 DUAL SIM+WIFI+TV noi cu garantie

Replici identice 1:1 Iphone 4 Dual Sim+wifi+tv sigilate cu garantie 1 an

Pret:399 ron

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Functioneaza cu 2 cartele simultan
Replica absolut identica 1:1 Iphone 4
Tuner tv (receptioneaza posturile tv gratuit)
Java 2.0
Display 320x480
Camera 2MP cu blitz
senzor gravitational,shake control
Casti 3,5mm

Caracteristici :

Wireless internet 802.11 b/g
Tuner tv
display 3.5 inch touch screen de inalta rezolutie,320x480px
camera foto 2MP (1600x1200) cu blitz + camera fata VGA
Agenda proprie 500 de numere
Slide to unlock
Slide to turn page (4 pagini)
Bluetooth 2.0 A2DP
FM radio stereo
mufa jack stereo standard 3,5mm
E-book reader, Office Document Viewer, PDF viewer
MP4,MP3 player
JAVA 2.0 - suporta instalarea aplicatiilor pe cardul de memorie
Quad band: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHZ
Senzori gravitationali,shake control
Difuzoare stereo
Memorie interna 40MB
suporta card microSD pana la

Judet: Bucuresti
Localitate: Bucuresti
Persoana contact: onegsm telefoanedual
Telefon: 0765466242
Email: office.onegsm @

Produs / serviciu disponibil. Pentru informatii suplimentare,
va rugam contactati persoana care a publicat anuntul.

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